Pule E Ono

Fa'asaleleaga: This consisted of the place of government of Safotulafai and the villages of Sapapali'l, Iva, Salelega, Tafua, Faga and Amoa. The name Fa'asaleleaga comes from the Tongan wars, when the Tuitoga lived at Safotu. The two sons of Leatiogie, Tuna and Fata, took away the post to which the war canoe of the Tuitoga was fastened and made from it clubs with which the conquered the Tongans. The clubs were called "o'oale'a Fa'asaleleaga" meaning "holy made from le'a wood."
Gaga'emauga: The mountain, Toafa, in Savaii has a foot in the sea dividing the villages of Matautu and Safotu. The land lying to the east (gaga'e) of this mountain (mauga) is called Gaga'emauga. This district consisted of Matautu, Sato'oalepai, Lealatele and Saleaula which was the place of government.
Gagifomauga: The district lying to the west (gagaifo) of the mountain (mauga) was called Gagaifomauga. In this district were the villages of Safotu, Samauga, Safune, Sasina, and Aopo. Safotu is the place of government.
Fa'atoafe: This district consisted of the villages of Palauli, the seat of government, Tufu Gataivai, Tufu Gautavai, Puleia, Papa, Taga, Salailua and Gaga'emalae. They occupy almost the entire south coast of Savaii. The name Fa'atoafe originates with Mauliana Fa'atoafe who married the daughter of the Tuimanu'a and was presented with an orator's staff by his father in law. With his staff he visited Uplou and Savaii exhorting the people to comply with the orders of Tuimanu'a to plant the root and the sugar cane and to give up stealing.
Salega: The name Salega comes from Lega, the sister of Ututauofiti and Tauaofiti (Sataua). The district consisted of Satupaitea, the seat of government and of the villages of Sagone, Vaipu'a, Faiaai and Samata. Samata is one of the oldest settlements in Savaii. ismentioned at the creation of the earth by Tagaloalagi in the first Manu'a song. Legends say that Tagaloalagi made his residence on Savaii at Samata.
Asau: The district of Asau is called after the principal place of the same name which is the seat of government for the district. The villages of Asau, Vaisala, Sataua and Falealupo are on the western part of the north coast and Tufutafoe, Ne'iafu and Falelima are on the eastern part of the north coast.
The political organization of Savaii, founded by the sons of Lafai, remained the same up to the early 1900's. the following were the Pule Ono Salafai:
The above information was taken (as written) from the MCKAY-FALE located in Sauniatu (on the island of Upolu) Western Samoa.